Welcome to this journey through the heart of the Holy Land, where faith and history converge to create an unforgettable experience. Our CEO, Susan Eshed, is a believer and avid traveler whose passion for the Holy Land has shaped the itineraries of our tours. Join us as we explore her top 5 places to visit in this sacred land and the reasons that led her to choose them.

Church of the Mount of Beatitudes

Located on the tranquil northern shores of the Sea of Galilee, the Church of the Mount of Beatitudes is a site of great biblical significance. This picturesque spot is believed to be where Jesus delivered the renowned Sermon on the Mount, sharing the Beatitudes and offering timeless teachings on compassion, humility, and love. Visitors often find themselves drawn to the serene atmosphere and breathtaking views, which Susan believes offer a unique opportunity for introspection. This site also holds a personal memory for Susan, as it is also a favorite for Berit and Phillip, our founder. She visited the site as a child several times and will never forget the profound impact and the sense of peace and tranquility enveloping her.

Caesarea National Park

Step back in time and discover the ancient port city of Caesarea, nestled along the Mediterranean coast. This historical gem boasts well-preserved Roman ruins, an impressive amphitheater, and the remnants of Herod the Great’s grand vision.  It also had a part in the early Christian church and was considered a main hub. Susan’s fascination with Caesarea lies in its rich blend of historical significance, architectural wonders, and soft ocean breeze. Visitors can explore the vestiges of past civilizations while reflecting on the resilience of faith that has withstood the test of time.

Garden Tomb and Walking the Ramparts Walk

The Garden Tomb, located in the heart of Jerusalem, is a revered Christian pilgrimage site and the burial place of Jesus. Surrounded by beautiful gardens and a tranquil ambiance, this serene spot invites visitors to contemplate the miraculous events of the Resurrection. While touring Jerusalem, Susan also loves walking the Ramparts of the Old City which provides a unique vantage point, revealing a captivating panorama of the ancient city. Susan cherishes these experiences for their ability to evoke a sense of awe-inspiring wonder.

Wadi Qelt and St. George’s Monastery

Nestled in the Judean Desert, Wadi Qelt is a rugged and awe-inspiring canyon that holds a special place in Susan’s heart. This natural wonder offers visitors a chance to experience the same desert landscapes traversed by biblical figures like King David. A hike through the gorge leads to the majestic St. George’s Monastery, built into the cliffside. A journey through Wadi Qelt reveals a unique period of Christianity’s history and tells a story of challenges and the enduring strength of faith. As Susan ventured through Wadi Qelt, she couldn’t help but marvel at the harsh yet awe-inspiring beauty of the desert. The serenity of the surroundings encouraged deep introspection and a sense of wonder at the unyielding nature of faith amidst adversity.

Ancient Shiloh

Ancient Shiloh is an essential destination. As one of the earliest and most important religious centers in ancient Israel, Shiloh is steeped in history and biblical significance. Visiting Ancient Shiloh, Susan found herself transported back in time to the days of the Tabernacle, where the Ark of the Covenant resided for nearly four centuries. The historical importance of this site is undeniable, and it is an opportunity for travelers to contemplate the journeys of the biblical figures who once worshipped here. It is a place where the legacy of the past instills a sense of reverence for the teachings that continue to guide our lives.

Our CEO, Susan Eshed, has thoughtfully curated these five incredible destinations. Each site reflects the profound biblical history and significance of the region and visiting them is an opportunity to experience the intersection of faith and history. As you embark on your journey, let these sacred places leave an indelible mark on your soul, as they have on Susan’s, and may your Holy Land experience be one of deepening faith, reflection, and renewal.

Are you ready to embark on a pilgrimage that will touch your heart and soul? Join us on our Holy Land Tours, walk in the footsteps of Jesus, and be inspired by the timeless wisdom that emanates from these sites.