Israel is arguably the “center of the the world”. No other piece of land has caused such conflict and fascination as this area throughout history. Not only is is known for its deep religious and cultural history, relics and significance, but it is also known for it’s tremendous diverse natural beauty such as the most northern coral reef in the world, the lowest elevation in the Judean Desert and the snowy peaks of northern Israel. So what is the climate in Israel?

The climate in Israel is mainly known for being a Mediterranean climate. The climate in Israel is overall known for being hot and dry in the summer and wet and mild in the winter. For example, in Jerusalem the average winter temperature is in the 50’s with around five inches of rain per month and the weather in the summer has average temperatures in the 80’s with zero rainfall. For comparison, the average winter month in New York City has temperatures with highs in the 30’s with ample rain and snow and the summer months are also in the 80’s like Jerusalem, however have much more precipitation (and humidity) with rain still above four inches per month.

While the mediterranean climate in Israel is known for the areas in that region mostly which include Greece, Italy, Spain, Monaco, Morocco, Portugal and Tunisia among others, it is actually found in other areas of the world as well, including places in South America, California in the US, Southern Australia, and parts of central Asia. This climate in Israel is well known for being one of the most temperate, and loved climates in the world. It is well known for its ideal agricultural conditions for such crops as wheat, wine grapes and olives, which Israel is of course known for throughout all of history and the Bible!

The climate in Israel, as with many places with a mediterranean climate, is not held to one exact climate in the region as a whole. While there are places in the world that the weather is fairly consistent within a certain radius, the climate in Israel can vary greatly just a few miles away.

For example here are the smaller climates in Israel you will encounter while visiting on your tour of the Holy Land.

Winter Climate in Israel by City or Area

Here is the weather that was reported on January 31, 2021 throughout Israel:

Tel Aviv- High of 66 degrees with a low of 52 degrees and partly sunny with wind at 12 miles per hour.

Jerusalem- High of 66 degrees with a low of 52 degrees and partly sunny with wind at 12 miles per hour.

Tiberius- High of 55 degrees with a low of 50 degrees and sunny with wind at 4 miles per hour.

Eliat- High of 77 degrees with a low of 55 degrees and sunny with wind at 1 mile per hour.

Golan- High of 68 degrees with a low of 59 degrees with thunderstorms and wind at 29 miles per hour.

Dead Sea- High of 67 degrees with a low of 58.

Spring Climate in Israel by City or Area

Here is the weather that was reported on April 30, 2021 throughout Israel:

Tel Aviv- High of 86 degrees with a low of 68 degrees and sunny with wind at 11 miles per hour.

Jerusalem- High of 86 degrees with a low of 64 degrees and sunny with wind at 9 miles per hour.

Tiberius- High of 90 degrees with a low of 68 degrees and sunny with wind at 4 miles per hour.

Eliat- High of 108 degrees with a low of 81 degrees and sunny with wind at 3 miles per hour.

Golan- High of 79 degrees with a low of 66 degrees and sunny with wind at 6 miles per hour.

Dead Sea- High of 84 degrees with a low of 68.

Summer Climate in Israel by City or Area

Here is the weather that was reported on June 28, 2021 throughout Israel:

Tel Aviv- High of 91 degrees with a low of 73 degrees and sunny with wind at 12 miles per hour.

Jerusalem- High of 90 degrees with a low of 73 degrees and sunny with wind at 12 miles per hour.

Tiberius- High of 90 degrees with a low of 77 degrees and sunny with wind at 6 miles per hour.

Eliat- High of 108 degrees with a low of 82 degrees and sunny with wind at 4 miles per hour.

Golan- High of 86 degrees with a low of 77 and sunny with wind at 8 miles per hour.

Dead Sea- High of 97 degrees with a low of 78.

Fall Climate in Israel by City or Area

Here is the weather that was reported on October 31, 2020 throughout Israel:

Tel Aviv- High of 82 degrees with a low of 72 degrees and partly sunny with wind at 12 miles per hour.

Jerusalem- High of 82 degrees with a low of 72 degrees and partly sunny with wind at 12 miles per hour.

Tiberius- High of 86 degrees with a low of 72 degrees and sunny with wind at 0 miles per hour.

Eliat- High of 90 degrees with a low of 75 degrees and sunny with wind at 4 miles per hour.

Golan- High of 81 degrees with a low of 75 degrees and sunny with wind at 11 miles per hour.

Dead Sea- High of 91 degrees with a low of 76.


So, as you can see the climate in Israel makes year around a great time to plan your tour to the Holy Land! Ready to plan your tour? Contact one of our tour operators today to plan your private or group tour or look at available tours to join HERE.